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A Traveler’s Guide to Holiday Dental Health

December 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — deborahsbishop @ 3:51 pm
A suitcase with dental health kits in it ready for holiday travel

As the holiday season approaches, you may find yourself on the move, traveling to be with loved ones or enjoying a well-deserved vacation. Even amidst the hustle and bustle of holiday travels, it’s important to prioritize your dental health.

If you’re struggling to figure out how to prepare for traveling while taking care of your oral health, continue reading. You’ll find valuable tips to keep your smile bright while on the go. 


Is It Normal to Feel Pain After a Root Canal?

November 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — deborahsbishop @ 1:41 pm
person with toothache after root canal holding cheek

Root canal therapy often gets a bad rap, largely fueled by misconceptions about its perceived pain and discomfort. Contrary to popular belief, undergoing a root canal is not as unpleasant as some might fear. While the procedure itself is typically painless, there are instances where patients may experience discomfort afterward. This article aims to demystify root canal therapy, shedding light on the reasons behind any potential post-treatment pain and providing insights into the overall experience of this common dental procedure.


4 Tips to Avoid a Dental Halloween Horror

October 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — deborahsbishop @ 4:57 pm
Two toy teeth with happy faces wearing Halloween costumes sitting on a fake broom with dental instruments

It’s October, and many people love to get into the spooky spirit with Halloween just around the corner. There are some scares that aren’t so exciting, though, and dental emergencies are among them! Harmful bacteria are attracted to the sugar in all the goodies available this time of year, which can lead to tooth decay. If left unaddressed, it can progress to the point that it needs a root canal, which would ruin anyone’s festive fun.  

As a result, a lot of parents worry that their child will overeat candy and end up with a cavity- or worse. Fortunately, you can help prevent that by following these 4 helpful tips.


Why Should I See an Endodontist for a Root Canal?

September 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — deborahsbishop @ 5:20 pm
a patient smiling while visiting their endodontist

Dental problems can be daunting, to say the least. And if you’ve been informed that you’re going to need a root canal to address something going on inside your mouth, sometimes simply knowing that you’re choosing the best person for the job is enough to put your doubts to rest. While many dentists can perform root canals, an endodontist is a specialist uniquely qualified for this intricate and useful procedure. Keep reading to learn more about why your trusted endodontist is the one you should visit.


What to Expect After Getting a Root Canal

August 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — deborahsbishop @ 9:53 pm
person resting on couch after getting a root canal

Root canals are dental treatments designed to rescue and rejuvenate severely damaged or infected teeth by eliminating infected pulp and sealing the inner canals. Often associated with apprehension and discomfort, these procedures are commonly misunderstood but can offer relief while preserving your natural tooth, avoiding extraction. Contrary to misconceptions, they are generally straightforward and almost painless. If you’re preparing for root canal therapy, continue reading to discover what to anticipate post-procedure and how to prepare for it.


Ignoring a Toothache Isn’t Just Wrong: It Can Be Dead Wrong

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — deborahsbishop @ 10:07 pm
Man with toothache

Toothaches result from infections within the teeth and have a reputation for being quite aggravating. On their own, they can be miserably painful, but many people avoid getting help out of fear of going to the dentist. While one might be tempted to say, “My teeth are pretty far from all my vital organs, so ignoring this toothache couldn’t be that bad,” nothing could be further from the truth. What might seem like a simple toothache can progress into a potentially fatal condition. Here’s more about why you should seek emergency dental care for a toothache.


Why Root Canals Don’t Deserve Their Bad Reputation

June 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — deborahsbishop @ 3:22 pm
Woman laughs.

There are several myths and horror stories surrounding root canals that can lead people to needlessly allow problems to get much worse. In fact, a root canal can take the pain out of a miserable toothache in one or two sessions. Read on to learn more about how root canals are routine and perfectly humane dental procedures.


Picking Between a Root Canal and an Extraction

May 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — deborahsbishop @ 6:52 am
someone holding their cheek and wincing

When you’re dealing with a really serious oral infection, the number one priority is usually to treat it as quickly as possible. In that situation, you probably care a lot more about how fast you can get treated as opposed to what kind of treatment you get.

However, there is an important choice that you need to make if you’re dealing with a toothache—whether you get a root canal or an extraction. Here are a few more details about this kind of treatment and how to pick which one is right for you.


Common Dental Emergencies For Athletes

May 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — deborahsbishop @ 6:48 am
Portrait of a football player

If you’re an athlete, it’s easy to wind up dealing with some serious dental emergencies while trying to play the best game that you can. This is obviously the case in contact sports, but even some non-contact sports like basketball can get rough enough to cause problems from time to time.

For that reason, athletes need to be even more conscientious than others about protecting their teeth. Here are a few dental emergencies you may want to watch out for, along with what you can do about them.


Do Root Canals Cause Cancer?

March 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — deborahsbishop @ 7:41 pm
patient learning about whether root canals cause cancer

When dealing with a severely infected tooth, waiting for the infection to heal on its own or relying on antibiotics won’t suffice. A root canal is the only effective treatment. Although the procedure boasts a 95% success rate, misinformation about it is not uncommon, including the belief that it can cause cancer. But is there any truth to this claim? Read on to learn more about how root canal therapy works and whether it poses a cancer risk.

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